Well, since my first post, so many things have changed! I traveled to Louisville, KY with a couple of other first-year homeschooling moms to visit the
CHEK conference. I absolutely loved it, and got a lot of encouragement from attending. I enjoyed the Mom2Mom room most of all, where we got to ask homeschooling moms specific questions about their homeschooling experiences and methods. It was that discussion that helped me decide on a curriculum. I had been leaning toward a unit-study program, but had no idea where to start. Most of the ladies that I had the pleasure to speak with in the Mom2Mom room used a Charlotte Mason/unit-study approach, and this helped me gain confidence to know that YES, I can do this!
So, I decided not to go with a boxed curriculum, and instead picked spelling, math, grammar, and other books based on each child, and their individual strengths and weaknesses. I am also using
KONOS to help direct our unit-studies approach. From the books I purchased, I'm MOST satisfied with my 5-year old's
Explode the Code, and my 7-year old's
Horizon's Math. These were perfect for them respectively, and I look forward to seeing their progress as the year goes along. We bought several other books that I will talk about in upcoming posts.
In our first two weeks of school, we have seen some difficult days, as well as exciting ones. However, most importantly, I can already see them moving on up the ladder as the build on each skill on a day-to-day basis. I should also mention that although KONOS is great as far as giving you a starting point and a basic foundation of a unit-study, I have found that my outside sources (books from the library, videos online, electronic information) are what I use most when teaching for our unit studies.
And you know what? Worrying really didn't help or change anything, so why did I waste so much time doing it?!? :) May God bless you on your journey!